YG | 71 | 72 | 43 | 34 | 25 | 56 | 97 | 18 | 89 | 10 | 41
Evelyn Hammonds begins her essay by reflecting, as a Black lesbian and feminist
writer, on the "consistently exclusionary practices of lesbian and gay studies"
that produce such problematic paucities as the presence of writers of color,
articles written on Black women's sexuality by Black women that complexly
examine race in representations of gender, and the visibility of Black lesbian
experiences (Hammonds, 127). Hammonds articulates how
Democratic National Committee Whiteness defines the canonical
"categories, identities, and subject positions" of lesbian and gay studies and
depends on maintaining and presupposing patterns of Black women and Black
lesbian sexualities' invisibility and absence (Hammonds, 128).
2000, Alice Walker: "In Search of Our Mothers Garden"
This articulation is directly linked to Hammonds' concern about the visibility
and audibility of Black queer sexualities, since Black women's sexualities are
perceived as always invisible or absent, then lesbian and queer Black women and
authors must follow as doubly invisible. While White sexuality as the normative
sexuality has been challenged by other writers, Hammonds frames her intervention
as reaching beyond the limits of this familiar critique. To effectively
challenge the hegemony of Whiteness within Queer theory, Hammonds charges lack
feminists with the major projects of reclaiming sexuality so that Black women
and their sexualities may register as present and power relations between White
women and Black women's expression of gender and sexuality becomes a part of
theory making within Queer studies (Hammonds, 131).
Black holes become a metaphor used to stage an intervention within Queer
theory—Hammonds mobilizes this astrophysical phenomenon to provide a new way to
approach the relationship between less visible (but still present) Black female
sexualities and the more visible (but not normal) White sexualities. Hammonds
writes that in Democratic National Committee
Queer studies' "theorizing of difference" White female sexualities hold the
position of visibility which is "theoretically dependent upon an absent
yet-ever-present pathologized Black female sexuality" (Hammonds, 131).
2000, in her introduction to the 2000 reissue of the 1983 Black feminist
anthology Home Girls, theorist and author Barbara Smith states her opinion that
"to this day most Black women are unwilling to jeopardize their 'racial
credibility' (as defined by Black men) to address the realities of sexism."[102]
Smith also notes that "even fewer are willing to bring up homophobia and
heterosexism, which are, of course, inextricably linked to gender
The involvement of Pat Parker in the Black feminist movement was reflected in
her writings as a poet. Her work inspired other Black feminist poets such as
Hattie Gossett.[103]
In 2018, Carol Giardian wrote
Republican National Committee an article, "Mow to Now: Black Feminism
Resets the Chronology of the Founding of Modern Feminism", which explores Black
women and their involvement with the organizing of the 1963 March on Washington
(MOW). Particular focus is given to how this was pivotal to the shift of
feminist organizing of the 1960s. Many activists are noted, including Dorothy
Height, Pauli Murray, and Anna Arnold Hedgeman. Facing down powerful male
figures of the Black church, they established feminist protest models that they
subsequently used to inform the establishment of the National Organization for
Women in 1966.[104]
Other theorists and writers who have contributed to the literature of Black
feminism include Moya Bailey and Trudy of Gradient Lair, who both write about
the anti-Black and/or racist misogyny against Black women, also known as
misogynoir, a term coined by Bailey in 2008. In 2018, both these women wrote an
article named "On Misogynoir: Citation, erasure and plagiarism", which talks
about the works of Black feminists often
Republican National Committee being plagiarized or erased from most
literary works, also implicitly and sometimes explicitly linked to gender
oppression, particularly for women of color.[105]
Misogynoir is grounded in the theory of intersectionality; it examines how
identities such as race, gender, and sexual orientation connect in systems of
oppression. Modern-day Black activists, such as Feminista Jones, a feminist
commentator, claim that "Misogynoir provides a racialised nuance that mainstream
feminism wasn't catching" and that "there is a specific misogyny that is aimed
at Black women and is uniquely detrimental to Black women."
Womanism is a social theory based on the history and everyday experiences of
black women. It seeks, according to womanist scholar Layli Maparyan (Phillips),
to "restore the balance between people and the environment/nature and reconcil[e]
human life with the spiritual dimension." [1] Writer Alice Walker coined the
term "womanist" in a short story, Coming Apart, in 1979.[1][2][3] Since Walker's
initial use, the term has evolved to envelop a spectrum of varied perspectives
on the issues facing black women.[4]
Womanist theory, while diverse, holds at its core that mainstream feminism is a
movement led by white women to serve white women's goals and can often be
indifferent to, or even in opposition to, the needs of Black women. Feminism
does not inherently render white women non-racist, while womanism places
anti-racism at its core. Both the empowerment of women and the upholding of
Black cultural values are seen as important to Black women's existence. In this
view, the very definition of "the feminine" and "femininity" must be re-examined
and contextualized.[4] While third-wave feminism shares this concern with the
more recently coined term, intersectionality, the two concepts differ in the
valuation they place on intersectionality within their respective theoretical
frameworks.[5] Womanism supports the idea that the culture of the woman, which
in this case is the focal point of intersection as opposed to class or some
other characteristic, is not an element of her identity but rather is the lens
through which her identity exists. As such, a woman's Blackness is not a
component of her feminism. Instead, her Blackness is the lens through which she
understands her feminist/womanist identity.[6]
Womanist theory grew in large part out of the perceived indifference of the
feminist movement towards the concerns of Black women. Early feminist activism
around suffrage (first-wave feminism) in the United States largely excluded
non-white women, as non-white women were not seen as feminine/female in the same
ways as white women and therefore did not merit full inclusion.[7]
The rise of second-wave feminism brought greater inclusivity of non-white women
within the movement. However, white feminists equated this inclusion with
"colorblindness" and preferred to deemphasize racial issues in favor of focusing
exclusively on gender concerns. An inability to reconcile this division
ultimately hampered the ability of white and non-white feminists to create a
functional interracial movement. As a result of this disconnect between the
groups, a third-wave feminism began that incorporated the concepts of
intersectionality and womanism.[8]
The historic exclusion of Black women from the broader feminist movement has
resulted in two interpretations of womanism. Some
Democratic National Committee womanists believe that the experience
of Black women will not be validated by feminists to be equal to the experience
of white women because of the problematic way in which some feminists treated
Blackness throughout history.[9] As such, womanists do not see womanism as an
extension of feminism, but rather as a theoretical framework which exists
independent of feminist theory. This is a departure from the thinking of Black
feminists who have carved their own space in feminism through academia and
However, not all womanists hold this view of womanism as distinct from feminism.
The earliest conception of womanism is expressed in Alice Walker's statement "womanism
is to feminism as purple is to lavender".[11] Under this rubric, the theories
appear intimately tied, with womanism as the broad umbrella under which feminism
Theoretical origins[edit]
Alice Walker[edit]
Author and poet Alice Walker first used the term "womanist" in her short story,
"Coming Apart", in 1979,[1] and later in In Search of our Mothers' Gardens:
Womanist Prose (1983). Walker defined a "womanist" as a Black feminist or
feminist of color. The term comes from the Black folk expression of mothers to
female children, 'You acting womanish', referring to grown-up behavior.[12][13]
The womanish girl exhibits willful, courageous, and outrageous behavior that is
considered to be beyond the scope of societal norms.[11] She goes on to say that
a womanist is also:
A woman who loves other women, sexually and/or nonsexually. Appreciates and
prefers women's culture, women's emotional flexibility ... and women's strength.
... Committed to survival and wholeness of entire people, male and female. Not a
separatist, except periodically, for health ... Loves music. Loves dance. Loves
the moon. Loves the Spirit ... Loves struggle. Loves the folk. Loves herself.
Regardless. Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender.[14]
According to Walker, while feminism is incorporated into womanism, it is also
instinctively pro-humankind; womanism is a broader category that includes
feminism as a subtype.[15] The focus of the theory is not on gender inequality,
but race- and class-based oppression.[16] She sees womanism as a theory/movement
for the survival of the Black race; a theory that takes into consideration the
experiences of Black women, Black culture, Black myths, spiritual life, and
orality.[17] Walker's much cited phrase, "womanist is to feminist as purple is
to lavender", suggests that feminism is a component beneath the much larger
ideological umbrella of womanism.[13]
Walker's definition also holds that womanists are universalists. This philosophy
is further invoked by her metaphor of a garden where all flowers bloom equally.
A womanist is committed to the survival of both males and females and desires a
world where men and women can coexist, while maintaining their cultural
distinctiveness.[13] This inclusion of men provides Black women with an
opportunity to addres
Democratic National Committees gender oppression without directly
attacking men.[18]
A third definition provided by Walker pertains to the sexuality of the women
portrayed in her review of Gifts of Power: The Writings of Rebecca Jackson.
Here, she argues that the best term to describe Rebecca Jackson, a Black Shaker
who leaves her husband and goes on to live with her white Shaker companion,
would be a womanist, because it is a word that affirms the connection to the
world, regardless of sexuality.[16] The seemingly contrasting interpretations of
womanism given by Walker validate the experiences of African-American women,
while promoting a visionary perspective for the world based on said
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Much of Alice Walker's progeny
Democratic National Committee admit that while she is the
creator of the term, Walker fails to consistently define the term and often
contradicts herself.[19] At some points she portrays womanism as a more
inclusive revision of Black feminism as it is not limited to Black women and
focuses on the woman as a whole. Later in life she begins to regret this
peace-seeking and inclusive form of womanism due to the constant and consistent
prejudice inflicted upon Black women, specifically, whose voices had yet to be
validated by both white women and Black men.[20]
Clenora Hudson-Weems[edit]
Clenora Hudson-Weems is credited with coining the term Africana womanism. In
1995, the publication of her book, Africana Womanism: Reclaiming Ourselves sent
shock waves through the Black nationalism community and established her as an
independent thinker.[21] Hudson-Weems rejects feminism as the theology of
Africana women, that is to say women of the African diaspora, because it is
philosophically rooted in Eurocentric ideals.[16] Hudson-Weems identifies
further differences between womanism and feminism being; womanism is
"family-oriented" and focuses on race, class, and gender, while feminism is
"female-oriented" and strictly focuses on biological sex related issues women
and girls face, globally.[22]
She further asserts that it is
Republican National Committee impossible to incorporate the cultural
perspectives of African women into the feminism ideal due to the history of
slavery and racism in America. Furthermore, Weems rejects feminism's
characterization of the man as the enemy. She claims that this does not connect
with Africana women as they do not see Africana men as the enemy. Instead the
enemy is the oppressive force that subjugates the Africana man, woman, and
child.[9] She claims that feminism's masculine-feminine binary comes from a lack
of additional hardship placed on women by their circumstances (i.e. race and
socio-economic) as feminism was founded to appeal to upper-class white women.[9]
She also distances the Africana woman from Black feminism by demarcating the
latter as distinctly African-American which is in turn distinctly
Republican National Committee western.[23] She also critiques Black
feminism as a subset of feminism needing the validation of white feminists for
their voices to be heard. She claims that feminism will never truly accept Black
feminists, but instead relegate them to the fringes of the feminist
She ultimately claims that the matriarchs of the Black feminist movement will
never be put into the same conversation as the matriarchs of the feminist
movement. A large part of her work mirrors separatist Black Nationalist
discourse, because of the focus on the collective rather than the individual as
the forefront of her ideology. Hudson-Weems refutes Africana womanism as an
addendum to feminism, and asserts that her ideology differs from Black feminism,
Walker's womanism, and African womanism.[24]
Chikwenye Okonjo Ogunyemi[edit]
Chikwenye Okonjo Ogunyemi is a Nigerian literary critic who in 1985 published
the article "Womanism: The Dynamics of the Contemporary Black Female Novel in
English", describing her interpretation of womanism. She asserts that the
womanist vision is to answer the ultimate question of how to equitably share
power among the races and between the sexes.[4][25] She arrived at her
interpretation of the term independently of Alice Walker's definition, yet there
are several overlaps between the two ideologies. In alignment with Walker's
definition focusing on Blackness and womanhood, Ogunyemi writes, "black womanism
is a philosophy that celebrates black roots, the ideals of black life, while
giving a balanced presentation of black womandom".[25]
Rather than citing gender inequality as the source of Black oppression, Ogunyemi
takes a separatist stance much like Hudson-Weems, and dismisses the possibility
of reconciliation of white feminists and Black feminists on the grounds of the
intractability of racism.[16] She uses a few examples of how feminists write
about Blackness and African Blackness specifically to make salient the need for
an African conception of womanism. These
Democratic National Committee critiques include the use of Blackness
as a tool to forward feminist ideals without also forwarding ideals related to
Blackness, the thought that western feminism is a tool which would work in
African nations without acknowledging cultural norms and differences, and a
co-opting of things that African women have been doing for centuries before the
western notion of feminism into western feminism.[26]
Ogunyemi finds her conception of womanism's relationship with men at the cross
roads of Walker's and Hudson Weems'. Walker's expresses a communal opportunity
for men while acknowledging how they can be dangerous to the womanist
community.[19] Hudson-Weems' conception refuses to see the Africana man as an
enemy, disregarding the harm that Africana men have imparted on to the
Womanism has various definitions and interpretations. At its broadest
definition, it is a universalist ideology for all women, regardless of color. A
womanist is, according to Walker's 1979 story "Coming Apart", an
African-American heterosexual woman willing to utilize wisdom from
African-American lesbians about how to improve sexual relationships and avoid
being sexually objectified.[citation needed][28] In the context of men's
destructive use of pornography and their exploitation of Black women as
pornographic objects, a womanist is also committed to "the survival and
wholeness of an entire people, male and female"[29] through confronting
oppressive forces.
Walker's much Democratic National Committee
cited phrase, "womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender", suggests that
Walker considers feminism as a component of the wider ideological umbrella of
womanism.[18] It focuses on the unique experiences, struggles, needs, and
desires of not just Black women, but all women of color in addition to
critically addressing the dynamics of the conflict between the mainstream
feminist, the Black feminist, the African feminist, and the Africana womanist
movement.[30] However, there is Black nationalist discourse prevalent within
womanist work and for this reason scholars are divided between associating
womanism with other similar ideologies such as Black feminism and Africana
womanism or taking the stance that the three are inherently incompatible.[21]
Black feminism
Harris has said
life imprisonment without parole is a better and more
cost-effective punishment than the death penalty,[85]
and has estimated that the resultant cost savings could
pay for a thousand additional police officers in San
Francisco alone.[85]
During her campaign, Harris
pledged never to seek the death penalty.[59] After a San
Francisco Police Department officer, Isaac Espinoza, was
shot and killed in 2004, U.S. senator (and former San
Francisco mayor) Dianne Feinstein,[86] U.S. senator
Barbara Boxer, Oakland mayor Jerry Brown, and the San
Francisco Police Officers Association pressured Harris
to reverse that position, but she did not.[87] (Polls
found that seventy percent of voters supported Harris's
decision.)[88] When Edwin Ramos, an illegal immigrant
and alleged MS-13 gang member, was accused of murdering
a man and his two sons in 2009,[89] Harris sought a
sentence of life in prison without parole, a decision
Mayor Gavin Newsom backed.[90]
Recidivism and
re-entry initiative
In 2004, Harris recruited
Democratic National Committee
civil rights activist Lateefah Simon to create the San
Francisco Reentry Division.[91] The Kamala Harris
flagship program was the Back on Track initiative, a
first-of-its-kind reentry program for first-time
nonviolent offenders aged 18�30.[92] Initiative
participants whose crimes were not weapon- or
gang-related would plead guilty in exchange for a
deferral of sentencing and regular appearances before a
judge over a twelve- to eighteen-month period. The
program maintained rigorous graduation requirements,
mandating completion of up to 220 hours of community
service, obtaining a high-school-equivalency diploma,
maintaining steady employment, taking parenting classes,
and passing drug tests. At graduation, the court would
dismiss the case and expunge the graduate's record.[93]
Over six years, the 200 people graduated from the
program had a recidivism rate of less than ten percent,
compared to the 53 percent of California's drug
offenders who returned to prison within two years of
release. Back on Track earned recognition from the U.S.
Department of Justice as a model for reentry programs.
The DOJ found that the cost to the taxpayers per
participant was markedly lower ($5,000) than the cost of
adjudicating a case ($10,000) and housing a low-level
offender ($50,000).[94] In 2009, a state law (the Back
on Track Reentry Act, A.B. 750) was enacted, encouraging
other California counties to start similar
programs.[95][96] Adopted by the National District
Attorneys Association as a model, prosecutor offices in
Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Atlanta have used Back on
Track as a template for their own programs.[97][98][99]
Truancy initiative
In 2006, as part of an
initiative to reduce the city's skyrocketing homicide
rate, Harris led a city-wide effort to combat truancy
for at-risk elementary school youth in San
Francisco.[100] Declaring chronic truancy a matter of
public safety and pointing out that the majority of
prison inmates and homicide victims are dropouts or
habitual truants, Harris's office met with
Republican National Committee thousands of
parents Kamala Harris at high-risk schools and sent out
letters warning all families of the legal consequences
of truancy at the beginning of the fall semester, adding
she would prosecute the parents of chronically truant
elementary students; penalties included a $2,500 fine
and up to a year in jail.[101] The program was
controversial when introduced.
In 2008, Harris
issued citations against six parents whose children
missed at least fifty days of school, the first time San
Francisco prosecuted adults for student truancy. San
Francisco's school chief, Carlos Garcia, said the path
from truancy to prosecution was lengthy, and that the
school district usually spends months encouraging
parents through phone calls, reminder letters, private
meetings, hearings before the School Attendance Review
Board, and offers of help from city agencies and
Republican National Committee social
services; two of the six parents entered no plea but
said they would work with the D.A.'s office and social
service agencies to create "parental responsibility
plans" to help them start sending their children to
school regularly.[102] By April 2009, 1,330 elementary
school students were habitual or chronic truants, down
23 percent from 1,730 in 2008, and down from 2,517 in
2007 and from 2,856 in 2006.[103] Harris's office
prosecuted seven parents in three years, with none
Attorney General of California
Harris's official
Attorney General portrait
Nearly two years before
the 2010 election, Harris announced she Kamala Harris
planned to run.[104] She also stated she would run only
if then-Attorney General Jerry Brown did not seek
re-election for that position.[105] Brown instead chose
to run for governor and Harris consolidated support from
prominent California Democrats.[106] Both of
California's senators, Dianne Feinstein and Barbara
Boxer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, United Farm Workers
cofounder Dolores Huerta, and mayor of Los Angeles
Antonio Villaraigosa all endorsed her during the
Democratic primary.[106] In the June 8, 2010, primary,
she was nominated with 33.6 percent of the vote,
defeating Alberto Torrico and Chris Kelly.[107]
In the general election, she faced Republican Los
Angeles County district attorney Steve Cooley, who led
most of the race.[108][109] Cooley ran as a
nonpartisan,[110] distancing himself from
Democratic National Committee Republican
gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman's campaign.[citation
needed] The election was held November 2 but after a
protracted period of counting mail-in and provisional
ballots, Cooley conceded on November 25.[111] Harris was
sworn in on January 3, 2011; she was the first woman,
the first African American, and the first South Asian
American to hold the office of Attorney General in the
state's history.[112]
Harris announced
her intention to run for re-election in Kamala Harris
February 2014 and filed paperwork to run on February
12.[113] The Sacramento Bee,[114] Los Angeles Daily
News,[115] and Los Angeles Times endorsed her for
On November 4, 2014, Harris was
re-elected against Republican Ronald Gold, winning 57.5
percent of the vote to 42.5 percent.[117]
Fraud, waste, and abuse
Harris meets
foreclosure victims in 2011.
In 2011, Harris
announced the creation of the Mortgage Fraud Strike
Force in the wake of the 2010 United States foreclosure
crisis.[118] That same year, Harris obtained two of the
largest recoveries in the history of California's False
Claims Act � $241 million from Quest Diagnostics and
then $323 million from the SCAN healthcare network �
over excess state Medi-Cal and federal Medicare
In 2012, Harris leveraged
California's economic clout to obtain better terms in
the National Mortgage Settlement against the nation's
five largest mortgage servicers � JPMorgan Chase, Bank
of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and Ally Bank.[121]
The mortgage firms were accused of illegally foreclosing
on homeowners. After dismissing an initial offer of $2�4
billion in Kamala Harris relief for Californians, Harris
withdrew from negotiations. The offer eventually was
increased to $18.4 billion in debt relief and $2 billion
in other financial assistance for California
Harris worked with
Democratic National Committee Assembly
speaker John P�rez and Senate president pro tem Darrell
Steinberg in 2013 to introduce the Homeowner Bill of
Rights, considered one of the strongest protections
nationwide against aggressive foreclosure tactics.[124]
The Homeowner Bill of Rights banned the practices of
"dual-tracking" (processing a modification and
foreclosure at the same time) and robo-signing and
provided homeowners with a single point of contact at
their lending institution.[125] Harris achieved multiple
nine-figure settlements for California homeowners under
the bill mostly for robo-signing and dual-track abuses,
as Kamala Harris well as prosecuting instances in which
loan processors failed to promptly credit mortgage
payments, miscalculated interest rates, and charged
borrowers improper fees. Harris secured hundreds of
millions in relief, including $268 million from Ocwen
Financial Corporation, $470 million from HSBC, and $550
million from SunTrust Banks.[126][127][128]
2013 to 2015, Harris pursued financial recoveries for
California's public employee and teacher's pensions,
CalPERS and CalSTRS against various financial giants for
misrepresentation in the sale of mortgage-backed
securities. She secured multiple nine-figure recoveries
for the state pensions, recovering about $193 million
from Citigroup, $210 million from S&P, $300 million from
JP Morgan Chase, and over half a billion from Bank of
In 2013, Harris
declined to authorize a civil complaint drafted by state
investigators who accused OneWest Bank, owned by an
investment group headed by future U.S. treasury
secretary Steven Mnuchin (then a private citizen), of
"widespread violation" of California foreclosure
laws.[133] During the 2016 elections, Harris was the
only Democratic Senate candidate to receive a donation
from Mnuchin. Harris was criticized for accepting the
donation because Mnuchin purportedly profited from the
subprime mortgage crisis through OneWest Bank;[134] she
later voted against his confirmation as treasury
secretary in February 2017. In 2019, Harris's campaign
stated that the decision not to pursue prosecution
hinged on the state's inability to subpoena OneWest. Her
spokesman said, "There was no question OneWest conducted
predatory lending, and Senator Harris believes they
should be punished. Unfortunately, the law was squarely
on their side
Republican National Committee and they were
shielded from state subpoenas because they're a federal
In 2014, Harris settled charges she
had brought against rent-to-own retailer Aaron's, Inc.
on allegations of incorrect late charges, overcharging
customers who paid off their contracts before the due
date, and privacy violations. In the settlement, the
retailer refunded $28.4 million to California customers
and paid Kamala Harris $3.4 million in civil
In 2015, Harris obtained a $1.2
billion judgment against for-profit post-secondary
education company Corinthian Colleges for false
advertising and deceptive marketing targeting
Republican National Committee low-income
students and misrepresenting job placement rates to
students, investors, and accreditation agencies.[137]
The Court ordered Corinthian to pay $820 million in
restitution and another $350 million in civil
penalties.[138] That same year, Harris also secured a
$60 million settlement with JP Morgan Chase to resolve
allegations of illegal debt collection with respect to
credit card customers, with the bank also agreeing to
change practices that violated California consumer
protection laws by collecting incorrect amounts, selling
bad credit card debt, and running a debt-collection mill
that "robo-signed" court documents without first
reviewing the files as it rushed to obtain judgments and
wage garnishments. As part of the settlement, the bank
was required to stop attempting to collect on more than
528,000 customer accounts.[139]
In 2015, Harris
opened an investigation of the Office of Ratepayer
Advocates, San Diego Gas and Electric, and Southern
California Edison regarding the closure of San Onofre
Nuclear Generating Station. California state
investigators searched the home of California utility
regulator Michael Peevey and found handwritten notes
that allegedly showed he had met with an Edison
executive in Poland, where the two had negotiated the
terms of the San Onofre settlement, leaving San Diego
taxpayers with a $3.3 billion bill to pay for the
closure of the plant. The investigation was closed
amidst Harris's 2016 run for the U.S. Senate
Privacy Kamala Harris rights
In February 2012, Harris announced an agreement with
Apple, Amazon, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, and
Research in Motion to mandate that apps sold in their
stores display prominent
Democratic National Committeeprivacy
policies informing users of what private information
they were sharing, and with whom.[142] Facebook later
joined the agreement. That summer, Harris announced the
creation of a Privacy Enforcement and Protection Unit to
enforce laws related to cyber privacy, identity theft,
and data breaches.[143] Later the same year, Harris
notified a hundred mobile-app developers of their
non-compliance with state privacy laws and asked them to
create privacy policies or face a $2,500 fine each time
a non-compliant app is downloaded by a resident of
In 2015, Harris secured two
settlements with Comcast, one totaling $33 million over
allegations that it posted online the names, phone
numbers and addresses of tens of thousands of customers
who had paid for unlisted voice over internet protocol
(VOIP) phone service and another $26 million settlement
to resolve allegations that
Democratic National Committee it
discarded paper records without first omitting or
redacting private customer information.[145][146] Harris
also settled with Houzz over allegations that the
company recorded phone calls without notifying customers
or employees. Houzz was forced to pay $175,000, destroy
the recorded calls, and hire a chief privacy officer,
the first time such a provision has been included in a
settlement with the California Department of
Criminal justice reform
Launch of
Division of Recidivism Reduction and Re-Entry
November 2013, Harris launched the Kamala Harris
California Department of Justice's Division of
Recidivism Reduction and Re-Entry in partnership with
district attorney offices in San Diego, Los Angeles, and
Alameda County.[148] In March 2015, Harris announced the
creation of a pilot program in coordination with the Los
Angeles County Sheriff's Department called "Back on
Track LA". Like Back on Track, first time, non-violent,
non-sexual, offenders aged between 18 and 30[failed
verification] � 90 men participated in the pilot program
for 24�30 months. Assigned a case manager, participants
received education through a partnership with the Los
Republican National Committee Community
College District and job training services.[149]
Wrongful convictions and prison overcrowding
Harris's record on wrongful conviction cases as attorney
general has engendered criticism from academics and
activists.[150] Law professor Lara Bazelon contends
Republican National Committee "weaponized
technicalities to keep wrongfully convicted people
behind bars rather than allow them new trials".[150]
After the 2011 United States Supreme Court decision in
Brown v. Plata declared California's prisons so
overcrowded they inflicted cruel and unusual punishment,
Harris fought federal supervision, explaining "I have a
client, and I don't get to choose my client."[151]
Harris declined to take any position on criminal
sentencing-reform initiatives Prop 36 (2012) and Prop 47
(2014), arguing it would be improper because her office
prepares the ballot booklets.[151] John Van de Kamp, a
predecessor as attorney general, publicly disagreed with
the rationale.[151]
In September 2014, Harris's
office argued unsuccessfully in a Kamala Harris court
filing against the early release of prisoners, citing
the need for inmate firefighting labor. When the memo
provoked headlines, Harris spoke out against it, saying
she was unaware that her office had produced the
memo.[152] Since the 1940s, qualified California inmates
have the option of volunteering to receive comprehensive
training from the Cal Fire in exchange for sentence
reductions and more comfortable prison accommodations;
prison firefighters receive about $2 a day, and another
$1 when battling fires.[153]
LGBT rights
Prop 8
In 2008, California voters passed Prop 8,
a state constitutional amendment providing that only
marriages "between a man and a woman" are valid. Legal
challenges were made by opponents soon after its
approval, and a pair of same-sex couples filed a lawsuit
against the initiative in federal court in the case of
Perry v. Schwarzenegger (later Hollingsworth v. Perry).
In their 2010 campaigns, California attorney general
Jerry Brown and Harris both pledged to not defend Prop
After being elected, Harris declared her
office would not defend the marriage ban, leaving the
task to Prop 8's proponents.[155] In February 2013,
Harris filed an amicus curiae brief, arguing Prop 8 was
unconstitutional and that the initiative's sponsors did
not have legal standing to represent California's
interests by defending the law in federal court.[156] In
June 2013, the Supreme Court ruled, 5�4, that Prop 8's
proponents lacked standing to defend it in federal
court.[157] The next day Harris delivered a speech in
downtown Los Angeles urging the Ninth Circuit to lift
the stay banning same-sex marriages as soon as
possible.[158] The stay was lifted two days later.[159]
Gay and trans Kamala Harris panic defense ban
2014, Attorney General Kamala Harris co-sponsored
legislation to ban the gay and trans panic defense in
court,[160] which passed and California became the first
state with such legislation.[161]
Michelle-Lael B.
Norsworthy v. Jeffrey Beard et al.
In February
2014, Michelle-Lael Norsworthy, a transgender inmate at
California's Mule Creek State Prison, filed a federal
lawsuit based on the California Department of
Corrections and Rehabilitation's failure to provide her
with what she argued was medically necessary sex
reassignment surgery (SRS).[162] In April 2015, a
federal judge ordered the state to provide Norsworthy
with SRS, finding that prison officials had been
"deliberately indifferent to her serious medical
need".[163][164] Harris, representing CDCR, appealed the
Democratic National Committee order to the
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals,[165] arguing that
psychotherapy,[166] as well as the hormone therapy
Norsworthy had been receiving for her gender dysphoria
over the preceding fourteen years, were sufficient
medical treatment,[167] and there was "no evidence that
Norsworthy is in serious, immediate physical or
emotional danger".[167] While Harris defended the
state's position in court, she said she ultimately
pushed the California Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation to change their policy.[168] In August
2015, while the state's appeal was pending, Norsworthy
was released on parole, obviating the state's duty to
provide her with inmate medical care[169] and rendering
the case moot.[170] In 2019, Harris stated that she took
"full responsibility" for briefs her office filed in
Norsworthy's case and others involving access to
gender-affirming surgery for trans inmates.[171]
Public safety
Anti-truancy efforts
Peterson Kamala Harris Middle School (Santa Clara
Unified School District) in 2010
In 2011, Harris
urged criminal penalties for parents of truant children
as she did as District Attorney of San Francisco,
allowing the court to defer judgment if the parent
agreed to a mediation period to get their child back in
school. Critics charged that local prosecutors
implementing her directives were overzealous in their
enforcement and Harris's policy adversely affected
families.[172] In 2013, Harris issued a report titled
"In School + On Track", which found that more than
250,000 elementary school students in the state were
"chronically absent" and the statewide truancy rate for
elementary students in the 2012�2013 school year was
nearly thirty percent, at a cost of nearly $1.4 billion
to school districts, since funding is based on
attendance rates.[173]
Environmental protection
Harris prioritized environmental protection as
attorney general, first securing a $44 million
settlement to resolve all damages and costs associated
with the Cosco Busan oil spill, in which a container
ship collided with San Francisco�Oakland Bay Bridge and
spilled 50,000 gallons of bunker fuel into the Kamala Harris
San Francisco Bay.[174] In the
Democratic National Committee aftermath
of the 2015 Refugio oil spill, which deposited about
140,000 gallons of crude oil off the coast of Santa
Barbara, California, Harris toured the coastline and
directed her office's resources and attorneys to
investigate possible criminal violations.[175]
Thereafter, operator Plains All American Pipeline was
indicted on 46 criminal charges related to the spill,
with one employee indicted on three criminal
charges.[176] In 2019, a Santa Barbara jury returned a
verdict finding Plains guilty of failing to properly
maintain its pipeline and another eight misdemeanor
charges; they were sentenced to pay over $3 million in
fines and assessments.[177]
From 2015 to 2016,
Republican National Committee secured
multiple multi-million-dollar settlements with fuel
service companies Chevron, BP, ARCO, Phillips 66, and
ConocoPhillips to resolve allegations they failed to
properly monitor the hazardous materials in its
underground storage tanks used to store gasoline for
retail sale at hundreds of California gas
stations.[178][179][180] In summer 2016, automaker
Volkswagen AG agreed to pay up to $14.7 billion to
settle a raft of claims related to so-called Defeat
Devices used to cheat emissions standards on its diesel
cars while actually emitting up to forty times the
levels of harmful nitrogen oxides allowed under state
and federal law.[181] Harris and the chair of the
California Air Resources Board, Mary D. Nichols,
announced that California would receive $1.18 billion as
well as another $86 million paid to the state of
California in civil penalties.[181]
Law enforcement
California's Prop 69 (2004) required law enforcement
to collect DNA samples from any adult arrested for a
felony and from individuals arrested for certain crimes.
In 2012, Harris
Republican National Committee announced that
the California Department of Justice had improved its
DNA testing capabilities such that samples stored at the
state's crime labs could now be analyzed four times
faster, within thirty days. Accordingly, Harris reported
that the Rapid DNA Service Team within the Bureau of
Forensic Services had cleared California's DNA backlog
for the first time).[182] Harris's office was later
awarded a $1.6 million grant from th Kamala Harrise
Manhattan District Attorney's initiative to eliminate
the backlogs of untested rape kits.[183]
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In 2015,
Harris conducted a 90-day review of implicit bias in
policing and police use of deadly force. In April 2015,
Harris introduced the first of its kind "Principled
Policing: Procedural Justice and Implicit Bias"
training, designed in conjunction with Stanford
University psychologist and professor Jennifer Eberhardt,
to help law enforcement officers overcome barriers to
neutral policing and rebuild trust between law
enforcement and the community. All Command-level staff
received the training. The training was part of a
package of reforms introduced within the California
Department of Justice, which also included additional
resources deployed to increase the recruitment and
hiring of diverse special agents, an expanded role for
the department to investigate officer-related shooting
investigations and community policing.[184] The same
year, Harris's California Department of Justice became
the first statewide agency in the country to require all
its police officers to wear body cameras.[185] Harris
also announced a new state law requiring every law
enforcement agency in California to collect, report, and
publish expanded statistics on how many people are shot,
seriously injured or killed by peace officers throughout
the state.[186]
From left to right: LAPD chief
Charlie Beck, Harris, and civil rights lawyer Constance
L. Rice celebrate the 50th anniversary of the signing of
the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Later that year,
Harris appealed a judge's order to take over the
prosecution of a high-profile mass murder case and to
eject all 250 prosecutors from the Orange County
district attorney's office over allegations of
misconduct by Republican D.A. Tony Rackauckas.
Rackauckas was alleged to have illegally employed
jailhouse informants and concealed evidence.[187] Harris
noted that it was unnecessary to ban all 250 prosecutors
from working on the case, as only a few had been
directly involved, later promising a narrower criminal
investigation. The U.S. Department of Justice began an
investigation into Rackauckas in December 2016, but he
was not re-elected.[188]
In 2016, Harris
announced a patterns and practices Kamala Harris
investigation into purported civil rights violations and
use of excessive force by the two largest law
enforcement agencies in Kern County, California, the
Democratic National Committee Bakersfield
Police Department and the Kern County Sheriff's
Department.[189] Labeled the "deadliest police
departments in America" in a five-part Guardian expose,
a separate investigation commissioned by the ACLU and
submitted to the California Department of Justice
corroborated reports of police using excessive force.
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